We need to end new construction.
My practice is guided by a reservation towards architecture. Architects have long promoted their designs as a force for good. However, less focus has been placed on the destructive force of the practice. To me architecture should take full responsibility for its impacts and recognize that it is not separated from ethical considerations. In the words of Mark Wigley: “ A sustained pessimism about architecture might be a much more valuable guide to design than the usual optimism.” (1)
I believe that the solution to the crises of our time is not a new building. My interests in architecture focus on working with the great diversity of construction in our existing built environment through appropriation, adaptation and occupation of spaces. After the construction boom that has led to the climate crisis, it is worth considering if we, at least in Finland, have all the buildings we need. The mission of architecture in the age of the climate crisis should be to redistribute and govern the spaces that already exist. The tools of such architecture strain away from traditional design towards politics, legislation, governance, care, maintenance and collective action. Inspired by the Moratorium on New Construction initiative by Charlotte Malterre-Barthes (2), I believe that architecture without new construction can provide an exciting and more meaningful direction for the field.
(1) Wigley, M. (2021). Returning the Gift - Running Architecture in Reverse. In Non-Extractive Architecture - On Design Without Depletion. Italy: Sternberg Press. (pp. 42-56)
(2) Malterre-Barthes, C. A Moratorium on New Construction. [online] Retrieved from https://www.charlottemalterrebarthes.com/research/tu-berlin/a-moratorium-on-new-construction/